Unfortunately a MA aggregation is not available at the moment (unless you 
accumulate/include all the prior data that you need into every doc, or you 
run multiple queries and aggregate it yourself - neither of which is 
desirable or flexible)

Clint, a MA is an average computed in a "sliding window" fashion, where the 
time interval slides as the average is computed. So for example, let's say 
I have a daily statistic for 5 days:

[Day1 = 100, Day 2 = 105, Day 3 = 101, Day 4 = 120, Day 5 = 200]

A 2 day in-the-past MA would be computed as follows:

Day1 = No data yet (since we don't have 2 days in-the-past worth of info)
Day2 = (Day1 + Day2) / 2 = (100 + 105) / 2
Day3 = (Day2 + Day3) / 2 = (105 + 101) / 2

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