The basic idea is as follows:

1) In the Kibana src folder, there is a config.js file. At the bottom of 
that file is a list of panel names available to Kibana. You will add your 
new panel name there.

2) Then, under src/app/panels, create folder that corresponds to your panel 
name and then copy a bunch of files from an existing panel - I'd probably 
use the text panel as the basis for testing and experimentation

3) Then in your new panel folder, edit the files that you copied from 
another panel so that the name of the panel and references in code matches 
your new panel name

4) Then study the more complex panels like histogram or table and you 
should be able to duplicate them and adapt to your requirements. Just need 
to inject your script fields right where the query is constructed and then 
extract the script field results and inject into the panel's model data 

It will be time consuming but not impossible. :)

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