I hate to bump myself but  does anybody have any input on this at all?

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:59:43 AM UTC+12, Tim Uckun wrote:
> I want to do something like this.
> select date_trunc('month', time_stamp), sum(distinct_count) from (
>      select date_trunc('week', time_stamp) as time_stamp, count(distinct 
> field_name) as distinct_count
>       from blah
>       group by date_trun('week', time_stamp)
>       )
> group by date_trunc('month', time_stamp)
> So basically I want to break up the data into weekly chunks and count the 
> distinct appearances of a value and then sum those up on a per monthly 
> basis. 
> In preparation for that I tried to do the subquery for that  which looks 
> like this
>   aggregations: {
>                       by_month: {
>                           date_histogram: {
>                               field:    "time_stamp",
>                               interval: "1M",
>                               format:   "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
>                           },
>                           aggregations:   {
>                               by_node_mac: {
>                                   terms:        {
>                                       field: "node_mac"
>                                   },
>                                   aggregations: {
>                                       cardinality: {field: 'device_mac'}
>                                   }
>                               }
>                           }
>                       }
>                   }
> }
> but I seem to be getting the wrong answers.  I am using fake data which 
> should give me very low numbers for the cardinality but it actually seems 
> to be counting the number of rows not the number of distinct items. The 
> numbers are outrageously high.
> I tried a precision threshold of 1000 and 100 but it seems to make no 
> difference.

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