Trying to compose a query and filter combination to no avail:

               "query":"\"Test message\""

That parses fine by ES, but never returns the results.  I know the two 
fields are correct and in my index.  If I take off the 'filter', I get the 
expected results, but I need the filter to narrow the results.  When I 
compose the same query using Kibana, it tries to use an 'ffilter' query 
which I don't see documented anywhere:

"filter": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
              "terms": {
                "_type": [
              "fquery": {
                "query": {
                  "query_string": {
                    "query": "appId:(\"a32b782c-3c51-4d76-9b01-c4c1ffe53d8b\")"
                "_cache": true

Any pointers would be most appreciated.  Pulling my hair out here.

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