My query is in this format:

  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "default_field": "_all",
      "query": "QUERY",
      "default_operator": "AND"

Here are the different outputs for QUERY and their counts:

sofa 2,818
rugs 75,309
red 33,839

red AND rugs 9,441

red AND sofa 149
rugs AND sofa 82

sofa AND rugs AND red 3

(sofa OR rugs) AND red 9,587

(sofa OR rugs) red 9,587

sofa OR (rugs AND red) 12,256

sofa OR (rugs red) 12,256

*sofa *OR rugs AND red 9,441

*sofa OR rugs *red 33,839 

The last two seem to be a bug.  It seems as if the bolded are ignored.  

expect sofa OR rugs AND red == sofa OR (rugs AND red) == 12,256

actual: sofa OR rugs AND red == rugs AND red == 9,441

expect sofa OR rugs red == sofa OR (rugs red) == sofa OR (rugs AND red) == 

actual: sofa OR rugs red == red == 33,839

*Is this a bug / known issue? I am using ES 0.90.11*

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