Try add "
"data" : "false"
to the node that you would like to remove data (you are trying to move from 
node4 -> node3 right?).
I'm not sure, but when operation succeed, data will be copied to node3, 
*but* it *as far as I know* dhe data will stay on node, To be sure compare 
folder size, and if correct, remove them manually.
The setting:
  "ok" : true, 
  "cluster_name" : "mycluster", 
  "nodes" : { 
    "RTlR2GvATs-jqYSRQ5c6bg" : { 
      "name" : "node4", 
      "transport_address" : "inet[/]", 
      "hostname" : "V04", 
      "version" : "0.90.12", 
      "http_address" : "inet[/]", 
      "attributes" : { 
        "master" : "false" 
*        "data" : "false"*
      "process" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "id" : 3420, 
        "max_file_descriptors" : -1, 
        "mlockall" : false 
    "BA2wkXmKTAqQlaULydDjuA" : { 
      "name" : "node3", 
      "transport_address" : "inet[/]", 
      "hostname" : "V03", 
      "version" : "0.90.12", 
      "http_address" : "inet[/]", 
      "attributes" : { 
        "master" : "true" 
      "process" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "id" : 1148, 
        "max_file_descriptors" : -1, 
        "mlockall" : false 


curl localhost:9200/_settings?pretty |less

  "logstash-2014.05.09" : {
    "settings" : {
      "index" : {
        "uuid" : "D3C5kDoVRUShZbxHsY9i9A",
        "analysis" : {
          "analyzer" : {
            "default" : {
              "type" : "standard",
              "stopwords" : "_none_"
        *"number_of_replicas" : "1",*
        "number_of_shards" : "5",
        "refresh_interval" : "5s",
        "version" : {
          "created" : "1000199"

*If you have your replica configured, it should copy to second node itself.*

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