You must create each VM under the same cloud service.
azure vm create azure-elasticsearch-cluster ....
Cloud service name is azure-elasticsearch-cluster

David ;-)
Twitter : @dadoonet / @elasticsearchfr / @scrutmydocs

Le 21 juin 2014 à 03:54, Pedro Alonso <> a écrit :

I just posted this question on Stackoverflow:

I have been setting up a cluster of Elasticsearch in Azure, using Ubuntu VM, 
following the tutorial on the plugin page (elasticsearch-cloud-azure) on 
github. I've managed to configure everything and I have elasticsearch running, 
but I have 3 clusters of 1 Node instead of 1 Cluster of 3 nodes. I guess that 
the problem comes from:

        keystore: /path/to/keystore
        password: your_password_for_keystore
        subscription_id: your_azure_subscription_id
        service_name: your_azure_cloud_service_name
        type: azure

I'm not sure of what "your_azure_cloud_service_name" should be. I have all my 
nodes inside a Virtual Network, so they can communicate each other. By default, 
on azure each time I create a VM, a new Cloud Service containing only that VM 
is created. Should that value be different for each of the nodes in my cluster?

I'm a bit lost on that one...

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