On Wed, Jul 02, 2014 at 05:43:26AM -0700, Andrew Davidoff wrote:

> How can I avoid this, and make shards on a restarted node come back on the 
> same node?


I have exactly the same issue.
My objective is to make a rolling restart script which wait for green
cluster state before restarting a node.
I use:
> curl -XPUT -s $host:$port/_cluster/settings -d 
> '{"transient":{"cluster.routing.allocation.enable": "new_primaries"}}'

to allow the cluster to work (and be able to create indices) during

But same issue: node is back up but nothing happen until I enable all
allocation again

I have gone through elasticsearch documentation related to recovery,
gateway, cluster settings without finding any parameters to activate or
configure this initial recovery of local indices.


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