
I am pretty new to elasticsearch and I'm facing a problem I can't figure 
I'm using logstash to store log files to elasticsearch following a specific 
format. Each log line includes an URL, and some other elements that are 
translated into fields inside elasticsearch databases.
The storing process seems to work pretty well and I am able to browse the 
data like I want.
The problem is related to the way some fields are parsed when I come to try 
to analyze the data and more particularly related to the delimiters that 
are used to split the tokens.

One of the fields (named 'category') I want to analyze is composed of 
several parts separated by special characters, such as '|' and the actual 
token sometimes contain '-' characters. example : "category1|cat-egory2".  
The first one should stay a delimiter but the dash is a problem as it is 
part of some of the category names.

I've read some documentation about token delimiter (
and tried to apply the instructions. So, before creating any index, I tried 
to request elasticsearch to change the pattern of delimiters by putting my 
own regular expression  ( "pattern":"|\\\\s+"  ), like in the whitespace 
example, not very different from the one in the example, I'm pretty sure 
the pattern is correct.

Here is the kind of request I am performing after the PUT request was made:
      "query": {
        "match_all": {}
      "facets": {
        "category name": {
          "terms": {
        "field": "category"

The response reports the number of occurrences of each 'category' field, by 
splitting the tokens into different parts. But the tokens split are not 
following the pattern I entered in the whitespace tokenizer.
Instead I get statistics that are not reflecting the actual data because of 
the default comportment of elasticsearch. 
I would like to know what I'm doing wrong and that's why I'm asking for 
your help. 


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