the problem is like the topic. I'm not sure if I misunderstood something or 
I missed some configurations. The ES works fine in usual situations, but 
doesn't work with rexster gremlin extension. 

In java, I configured the graph as follows:



In the extension, I wrote:

*String query = "v." + propKey + ": (" + propValue + ")"; *

*if(((TitanGraph) graph).indexQuery("search", 

When I invoked the extension, the rexster told: null pointer exception, 
unknown index, etc. As follows:



After this, I searched some advices from google and made some 
configurations in rexster.xml


Then, the problems seemed as another way. (As you can see, first_example is 
the name of the graph.)


Besides, when I invoked the extension, I've been told: the graph is 


I've also tried the embedded mode. The problems seem to be the same.

Plus,  I'm using:

Titan 0.4.2

 Tinkerpop 0.2.4

 Cassandra 2.0.7

ElasticSearch 1.2.1 

This problem's driving me crazy. Any pointer would be appreciated! Thanks 
in advance!

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