
The simplest way is to install Kibana as a site plug-in on the same node on 
which you run Elasticsearch. Not the best way from a performance and 
security perspective, but certainly the easiest way to start with an 
absolute minimum of extra levers to pull and knobs to turn, so to speak.

So what does that really mean, a "site plugin"?

Assume you configure Elasticsearch to look for plugins within the 
/opt/elk/plugins directory.

Then you unpack the Kibana3 distribution within /opt/kibana3. That means 
you'll see the following files within /opt/kibana3/kibana-3.1.0:
app  build.txt  config.js  css  favicon.ico  font  img  index.html  vendor

So then create the /opt/elk/plugins/kibana3 directory. Then:
$ ln -s  /opt/kibana3/kibana-3.1.0 /opt/elk/plugins/kibana3/_site

Now when you start ES and point it to the correct configuration file which 
in turn points it to the plugins directory as described above, Kibana will 
be available at the following URL (assuming you're on the same host; change 
localhost as needed, of course):


Hope this helps!


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