Using 1.2.1

I know each system and functionality is different but just curious when 
people say buy SSDs for ES, what types of SSDs are they buying?

Fortunately for me I had some Fusion IO cards to test with, but just 
wondering if it's worth the price and if I should look into off the shelf 
SSDs like Samsung EVOs using SAS instead of pure SATA.

So far from my testing it seems that all search operation regardless of the 
drive type seem to return in the same amount of time. So I suppose caching 
is playing a huge part here.

Though when looking at the HQ indexing stats like query time, fetch time, 
refresh time etc... The Fusion IO fares a bit better then regular SSDs 
using SATA.

For instance refresh time for Fusion IO is 250ms while for regular SSDs 
(SATA NOT SAS, will test SAS when I get a chance) it's just above 1 second.
Even with fusion IO I do see some warnings on the index stats, but slightly 
better then regular SSDs

Some strategies I picked for my indexes...
- New index per day, plus routing by "user"
- New index per day for monster users.

Using JMeter to test...
- Achieved 3,500 index operations per second (Not bulk) avg document size 
2,500 bytes (Fusion IO seemed to perform a bit better)
- Created a total of 25 indexes totaling over 100,000,000 documents 
anywhere between 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 documents per index.
- Scroll query to retrieve 15,000,000 documents out of the 100,000,000 (all 
indexes) took 25 minutes regardless of drive type.

P.s: I want to index 2,000,000,000 documents per year so about 4,000,000 
per day. So you can see why Fusion IO could be expensive :)


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