>From the example:
QueryBuilders.termQuery("_routing", routingStr)).execute().actionGet();

For clarification, can someone verify that the routing needs to be 
specified via setRouting(routingStr) as well as 
TermQuery(QueryBuilders.termQuery("_routing", routingStr)...?    I am 
having a difficult time finding documentation on the java client api as it 
pertains to routing.  Thanks for the help.

On Friday, September 23, 2011 7:15:43 PM UTC-4, kimchy wrote:
> Replace setFilter with setQuery(QueryBuilders.termQuery("_routing", 
> routingStr), as the filter is mainly used to filter results fo the query 
> you execute (mainly used with faceting).
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:18 PM, Per Steffensen <st...@designware.dk 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>  Shay Banon skrev: 
>> Get is as fast as you can go to retrieve a single document, search 
>> against a single field (term query) that uses routing to direct the search 
>> request to a single shard will be almost as fast, but not the same. I don't 
>> have actual numbers to say how slower it will be. 
>>  Regarding a combined index, there is no option to do that in 
>> elasticsearch. You can do a boolean query, with several must clauses 
>> including term query against a, b, and c. This will be slower (since now 
>> you are not searching on a single field, but 3).
>>  On the other hand, the _routing field is automatically indexed (not 
>> analyzed). So, based on the same below, you can simply do a term query 
>> against _routing field with the routing value.
>> Thanks. Will the following code do the trick?
>> client.prepareSearch(indexName).setRouting(routingStr).setFilter(new 
>> TermFilterBuilder("_routing", routingStr)).execute().actionGet();
>>  Of course, you might get several documents with the search request, but 
>> I think you factored that in (a_b_c_1, and a_b_c_2).
>> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 10:06 PM, Per Steffensen <st...@designware.dk 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/mytest/abc/_mapping" -d '{
>>> "abc" : {
>>>  "_routing" : {
>>>  "required" : true
>>>  }
>>>  "properties" : {
>>>  "idx" : {"type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed"},
>>>  "a" : {"type" : "string"},
>>>  "b" : {"type" : "string"},
>>>  "c" : {"type" : "integer"},
>>>  "txt" : {"type" : "string", "null_value" : "na"}
>>>  }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Lots of abc documents indexed into mytest index - a.o. this
>>> curl -XPUT 
>>> "localhost:9200/mytest/abc/1234_5678_90123?routing=1234_5678_90123" -d '{
>>> "sms" :
>>> {
>>>  "a" : "1234",
>>>  "b" : "5678",
>>>  "c" : 90123,
>>>  "txt" : "Hello World"
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Expect this "get" will be very efficient:
>>> curl -XGET "
>>> http://localhost:9200/mytest/abc/1234_5678_90123?routing=1234_5678_90123
>>> "
>>> I have cheated a little in the code above, when I indicate that I can 
>>> make an id consisting of the values of a, b and c. It is only almost true - 
>>> sometimes (but very very seldom) there will be documents with the same 
>>> values for a, b and c. Therefore I cannot make id's like this (will have to 
>>> make a_b_c_X id's og just GUID id's instead), and therefore I cannot "find" 
>>> the document(s) using the "get" above.
>>> Question: If I know that there will never be more than a few documents 
>>> with concrete values for a, b and c, can I create a "search" finding those 
>>> documents, a search that is just (or almost) as efficient (with respect to 
>>> searchtime and resources used) as the "get" above? Note that I am using 
>>> routing so I should at least be able to hit the right shard in such a 
>>> search.
>>> In a RDMS I would make an combined index of a, b and c and use the query 
>>> "select * from abc where a="1234" and b="5678" and c=90123" (the "search") 
>>> instead of "select * from abc where id="1234_5678_90123"" (the "get"), and 
>>> that would be just as efficient (if the RDMS uses the combined index, or 
>>> else I will force it by hinting).
>>> Thanks!
>>> Regards, Per Steffensen

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