Hi All,

I am new to Elastic Search. I try to implement the completion suggester as 
documented  in "http://www.elasticsearch.org/blog/you-complete-me/";  with 
sample data as below. Instead of hotel.. i choose region and locations..

us-en-us-chicago, central loop
us-en-us-chicago, east loop
us-en-us-chicago, eastern east-west
us-en-us-chicago, i-80 & i-55 corridors
us-en-us-chicago, i-90 corridor
us-en-us-chicago, north (cook county)
us-en-us-chicago, north (lake county)
us-en-us-chicago, north i-94 corridor
us-en-us-chicago, north michigan avenue
us-en-us-chicago, northwest
us-en-us-chicago, northwest indiana
us-en-us-chicago, o'hare
us-en-us-chicago, river north
us-en-us-chicago, west loop
us-en-us-chicago, western east-west

I am using POSTMAN, a chrome extension to create and query from Elastic 
Search. I created Index using POSTMAN tool 

PUT : http://localhost/typeahead
  "mappings": {
    "search" : {
      "properties" : {
        "search" : {
          "type" :     "completion"

Indexed the above content as 

PUT : http://localhost/typeahead/search/1

  "search" : {
    "input" :   "us-en-us-chicago"

After indexing all the above data, verified the data using search. It 
returns the total "text" as indexed. 
When I ran the query for *suggest. (see below for the query and results)*. 
I am getting only 5 results out of it. Is this the expected behavior of 
completion suggester in ES? Or do i need to use different tool ?  

Any suggestions are appreciated. 

Suggest query:
    "my-suggest" : {
        "text" : "us-en-us-chi",
        "completion" : {
            "field" : "search"

and results as 
    "_shards": {
        "total": 5,
        "successful": 5,
        "failed": 0
    "my-suggest": [
            "text": "us-en-us-chi",
            "offset": 0,
            "length": 12,
            "options": [
                    "text": "us-en-us-chicago",
                    "score": 1
                    "text": "us-en-us-chicago, central loop",
                    "score": 1
                    "text": "us-en-us-chicago, east loop",
                    "score": 1
                    "text": "us-en-us-chicago, eastern east-west",
                    "score": 1
                    "text": "us-en-us-chicago, i-80 & i-55 corridors",
                    "score": 1

Kind Regards

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