You can use aggregations:
 "aggs": {
   "user_likes": {
     "terms": {
       "field": "user_id"
     "aggs": {
       "likes_sum": {
         "terms": {
           "field": "likes"

05 август 2014, вторник, 23:11:59 UTC+3, Cameron Barker написа:
> Hi all,
> I have an elastic database of posts, each post has a *user_id* and has 
> *likes* field.  My goal is to output for a query how many likes in total 
> each user has.
> I wondered if any one had any advice/direction I could take to achieve 
> this?
> input:
> {user_id: 10, likes: 20}
> {user_id: 9, likes: 10}
> {user_id: 10, likes: 25}
> {user_id: 9, likes: 15}
> output:
> User: 10 likes: 45
> User: 9 likes: 25

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