Okay, so now here's where I am - I read up on upsert and crafted my bulk 
stack. It seems to work:

{"script" : "ctx._source.auctionid=6623102; ctx._source.auctiontype=18; 
ctx._source.auctionstatus=4; ctx._source.auctionprice=4488; 
ctx._source.auctionendtime='Oct 7 2014 09:10:00:000AM'; 
ctx._source.auctionadult=false;", "upsert": { "auctionid": 6623102, 
"auctiontype": 18, "auctionstatus": 4, "auctionprice": 4488, "auctionendtime": 
"Oct 7 2014 09:10:00:000AM", "auctionadult": false, "domaintype": "auction", 
"sld": "kryptonblue", "tld": "com", "vendorid": 0, "price": 0, 
"commissionrate": 0, "isfasttransfer": false, "tokens": ["krypton","blue"]}}

This seems to do the right thing. Here's the result I get back:

            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [update] => stdClass Object
                            [_index] => aftermarket-2014-08-11_02-38-19
                            [_type] => premium
                            [_id] => kryptonblue.com
                            [_version] => 1
                            [status] => 201


This was done as an insert - there was nothing to update. So 201 seems right. 
What can I expect on an update? A straight 200?

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