Hi Guys,

I'm getting weird score from my rescore anyone mind explaining why the 
rescore score is getting ignored in my query?

>     "from": 0,
>     "size": 10,
>     "explain": false,
>     "sort": ["_score", {
>         "networks": {
>             "order": "desc",
>             "mode": "sum"
>         }
>     }, {
>         "rich": {
>             "order": "desc",
>             "mode": "sum"
>         }
>     }, {
>         "picture": {
>             "order": "desc",
>             "mode": "sum"
>         }
>     }],
>     "query": {
>         "filtered": {
>             "query": {
>                 "bool": {
>                     "should": [{
>                         "constant_score": {
>                             "query": {
>                                 "match": {
>                                     "_all": {
>                                         "query": "Daryl"
>                                     }
>                                 }
>                             },
>                             "boost": 1.0
>                         }
>                     }, {
>                         "constant_score": {
>                             "query": {
>                                 "match": {
>                                     "_all": {
>                                         "query": "Davies"
>                                     }
>                                 }
>                             },
>                             "boost": 1.0
>                         }
>                     }],
>                     "disable_coord": 1
>                 }
>             },
>             "filter": [{
>                 "or": [{
>                     "query": {
>                         "match": {
>                             "_all": {
>                                 "query": "Daryl"
>                             }
>                         }
>                     }
>                 }, {
>                     "query": {
>                         "match": {
>                             "_all": {
>                                 "query": "Davies"
>                             }
>                         }
>                     }
>                 }]
>             }]
>         }
>     },
>     "rescore": [{
>         "query": {
>             "query_weight": 0.0,
>             "rescore_query_weight": 1.0,
>             "score_mode": "total",
>             "rescore_query": {
>                 "bool": {
>                     "should": [{
>                         "match_all": {
>                             "boost": 20.0
>                         }
>                     }],
>                     "disable_coord": 1
>                 }
>             }
>         },
>         "window_size": 50
>     }]
> }
Results showing weird scores when the scores should all total up to 20.0



  "took" : 470,

  "timed_out" : false,

  "_shards" : {

    "total" : 8,

    "successful" : 8,

    "failed" : 0


  "hits" : {

    "total" : 84244,

    "max_score" : null,

    "hits" : [ {

      "_index" : "crawledpeople_completepeople_v1",

      "_type" : "zeepexmanager_buisnessobjects_zeepexsearch_zeepexprofile",

      "_id" : "51c3c56f6dd2bc0854e9e333",

      "_score" : 1.4142135,

      "sort" : [ 1.4142135, 2, 66, 1 ]

    }, {

      "_index" : "crawledpeople_completepeople_v1",

      "_type" : "zeepexmanager_buisnessobjects_zeepexsearch_zeepexprofile",

      "_id" : "51c6d25e6dd2bc08543fa577",

      "_score" : 1.4142135,

      "sort" : [ 1.4142135, 2, 54, 1 ]

    }, {

      "_index" : "crawledpeople_completepeople_v1",

      "_type" : "zeepexmanager_buisnessobjects_zeepexsearch_zeepexprofile",

      "_id" : "51f342e06dd2bc0b788c6372",

      "_score" : 1.4142135,

      "sort" : [ 1.4142135, 1, 298, -9223372036854775808 ]

    }, {

      "_index" : "crawledpeople_completepeople_v1",

      "_type" : "zeepexmanager_buisnessobjects_zeepexsearch_zeepexprofile",

      "_id" : "51e162e16dd2bc08549fb2b5",

      "_score" : 1.4142135,

      "sort" : [ 1.4142135, 1, 253, -9223372036854775808 ]

    }, {

      "_index" : "crawledpeople_completepeople_v1",

      "_type" : "zeepexmanager_buisnessobjects_zeepexsearch_zeepexprofile",

      "_id" : "52a3b8ad6dd2bc053c372722",

      "_score" : 1.4142135,

      "sort" : [ 1.4142135, 1, 104, 1 ]

    }, {

      "_index" : "crawledpeople_completepeople_v1",

      "_type" : "zeepexmanager_buisnessobjects_zeepexsearch_zeepexprofile",

      "_id" : "5155e11bd25e9d09d0602aa9",

      "_score" : 1.4142135,

      "sort" : [ 1.4142135, 1, 97, 1 ]

    }, {

      "_index" : "crawledpeople_completepeople_v1",

      "_type" : "zeepexmanager_buisnessobjects_zeepexsearch_zeepexprofile",

      "_id" : "52a798656dd2bc053c7e6950",

      "_score" : 1.4142135,

      "sort" : [ 1.4142135, 1, 67, 1 ]

    }, {

      "_index" : "crawledpeople_completepeople_v1",

      "_type" : "zeepexmanager_buisnessobjects_zeepexsearch_zeepexprofile",

      "_id" : "51db66f86dd2bc0854e0ddc2",

      "_score" : 1.4142135,

      "sort" : [ 1.4142135, 1, 63, 1 ]

    }, {

      "_index" : "crawledpeople_completepeople_v1",

      "_type" : "zeepexmanager_buisnessobjects_zeepexsearch_zeepexprofile",

      "_id" : "522727cb6dd2bc0b7836f937",

      "_score" : 1.4142135,

      "sort" : [ 1.4142135, 1, 55, 1 ]

    }, {

      "_index" : "crawledpeople_completepeople_v1",

      "_type" : "zeepexmanager_buisnessobjects_zeepexsearch_zeepexprofile",

      "_id" : "529ba9736dd2bc053c908471",

      "_score" : 1.4142135,

      "sort" : [ 1.4142135, 1, 45, 1 ]

    } ]



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