
> Simple question, but there seems to be a lack of detailed examples for 
using the otherwise very useful Search::Elasticsearch CPAN module !

The idea was that the API of the module maps very closely to all of the 
REST APIs in Elasticsearch, so that anything that works with raw curl 
statements should be easy to translate into requests with Search::ES.

Btw, you can always see the equivalent curl statement output to STDERR with 
the following:

    $e = Search::Elasticsearch->new( trace_to => 'Stderr')

Would this be the correct syntax ?
> {match => { severity => {query=>'info',boost=>20}}}
> Even with the agressive boost, I'm still getting "notice" as the 
> prioritised results ?

That is the correct syntax.  Perhaps try just searching for "info" to see 
if you actually have matching results?


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