Please check the status of indexes when you get these log messages. I found 
these log messages appear in when index status in not green. 
You can use following query to check : curl -s –XGET 
<> | grep -v green | wc -l

On Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:30:05 AM UTC+5:30, Artur S. (Digit) wrote:
> I see exactly the same in my logs:
> [2014-08-14 04:57:43,913][DEBUG][action.index             ] [data-es-001] 
> observer: timeout notification from cluster service. timeout setting [1m], 
> time since start [1m]
> [2014-08-14 04:57:56,869][DEBUG][action.index             ] [data-es-001] 
> observer timed out. notifying listener. timeout setting [1m], time since 
> start [1m]
> Those lines keep appearing since we upgraded to 1.3.1. Also, Since the 
> upgrade last week our cluster died 3 times already. I'm not sure if that's 
> related...

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