Pretty simple (below). . I just added to json codec and tried again and 
received the same results. Thank you!

elasticsearch { 
host => localhost 
cluster => cjceswin
node_name => cjcnode
codec => json
 index => "logstash-dwhse-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
 workers => 3


On Sunday, August 24, 2014 10:11:44 AM UTC-4, moshe zada wrote:
> what is your logstash configuration?
> did you tried the json codec <>?
> On Sunday, August 24, 2014 4:54:08 PM UTC+3, Didjit wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The following is a debug from Logstash:
>> {
>>         "message" => 
>> "{\"EventTime\":\"2014-08-24T09:44:46-0400\",\"URI\":\"
>> http://ME/rest/venue/ME/hours/2014-08-24\
>> ",\"uri_payload\":{\"value\":[{\"open\":\"2014-08-24T13:00:00.000+0000\",\"close\":\"2014-08-24T23:00:00.000+0000\",\"isOpen\":true,\"date\":\"2014-08-24\"}],\"Count\":1}}\r",
>>        "@version" => "1",
>>      "@timestamp" => "2014-08-24T13:44:48.036Z",
>>            "host" => "",
>>            "type" => "MY_Detail",
>>       "EventTime" => "2014-08-24T09:44:46-0400",
>>             "URI" => "http://ME/rest/venue/ME//hours/2014-08-24";,
>>     "uri_payload" => {
>>         "value" => [
>>             [0] {
>>                   "open" => "2014-08-24T13:00:00.000+0000",
>>                  "close" => "2014-08-24T23:00:00.000+0000",
>>                 "isOpen" => true,
>>                   "date" => "2014-08-24"
>>             }
>>         ],
>>         "Count" => 1,
>>             "0" => {}
>>     },
>>          "MYId" => "ME"
>> }
>> ___________________________________________________________
>> When i look into Elasticsearch, the fields under URI Payload are not 
>> parsed. It shows:
>> uri_payload.value as the field with "
>> {"open":"2014-08-21T13:00:00.000+0000","close":"2014-08-21T23:00:00.000+0000","isOpen":true,"date":"2014-08-21"}"
>> How can I get all the parsed values as fields in elasticsearch? In my 
>> example, fields Open, Close, IsOpen. Initially I thought Logstash was not 
>> parsing all the json, but looking at the debug it is.
>> Thank you,
>> Chris

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