I have documents with the above mentioned schema. 

authorId : 10
authorName: Joshua Bloch
books: {
bookId: 101
bookName:  Effective Java
description : effective java book with useful recommendations
Category: 1
sales: {
keyword: effective java
count: 200
keyword: java tips
count: 100
keyword: java joshua bloch
count: 50
createDate: 08-25-2014
bookId: 102,
bookName: Java Puzzlers
description : Java Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls, and Corner Cases 
Category: 2
sales: {
keyword: java puzzlers
count: 100
keyword: joshua bloch puzzler
count: 50

The sales information is stored with each book along with the search query 
that lead to that sales. If the user applied a category filter, I would 
like to count only books that belong to that category.

I would like to sort the list of authors returned based on a function of 
sales data and text match. For eg if the search query  is "java" I would 
like to return the above mentioned doc and all other author documents which 
has the term "java" in them. I came up with the following query:

   "query": {
      "function_score": {
         "boost_mode": "replace",
         "query": {
            "match": { "bookName":"java"}
         "script_score": {
            "params": {
               "param1": 2
             "script": "doc['books.sales.count'].isEmpty() ? _score : 
_score * doc['books.sales.count'].value * param1 "

I have few questions with the query i have above
1. The results dont look sorted by sales. I have authors who dont have any 
books with sales in them at the top
2. How do i use the sum of all sales for an author (across all books within 
the author document) in the script ? Is there a sum function for the nested 
fields inside a document when using script_score ? Note that sales is a 
nested field inside another nested field products.
3. As a next step I would also like to use a filter for keyword within the 
script_score to only include sales whose keyword value matches with the 
search query term

Any help would be much appreciated. 


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