Additional information:

take mean of boolean value return 4,607,182,418,800,017,408


On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:58:43 PM UTC-4, youwei chen wrote:
> Our elasticsearch instance sometime return meaningless number for 
> terms_stats, query return correct data.
> I am using Kibana as front end, this is generated query: 
> {"facets":{"terms":{"terms_stats":{"value_field":"metric","key_field":"host","size":10,"order":"count"},"facet_filter":{"fquery":{"query":{"filtered":{"query":{"bool":{"should":[{"query_string":{"query":"(service:\".StorageProxy.RecentReadLatencyMicros\")
> AND (layer:\"cassandra\") AND (@timestamp:[now-1m TO now]) AND 
> host:"}}]}},"filter":{"bool":{"must":[{"range":{"@timestamp":{"from":1408992976055,"to":"now"}}},{"terms":{"host":[""]}},{"terms":{"host":[""]}}]}}}}}}}},"size":0}
> max=4.6366831074216192E+18
> mean=1.5455610358072064E+18
> min=0
> term=
> total=4.6366831074216192E+18
> the metric field would have some number between 0 and 100 while the term 
> stat report huge number.  If i delete index, it will show correct term 
> stats again.
> I tried refresh, close/open index, none seem to work except delete the 
> index and recreate it.  Have anyone face similar issue?
> Thanks.

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