The aggregation takes into account a query - but not a post-filter. I'm not 
sure of the rationale behind the difference.

The java api for traversing results is quite painful - but I think a good 
part of that is due to Java & the fact that there is very little 
polymorphic behaviour between aggregation results (some have single 
results, others have buckets, some have sub-aggregations, some dont).
The only alternative that I can think of is a completely type-less 
navigation of the data - which does little more than navigate the JSON 

Hope that helps a bit.

On Monday, 8 September 2014 10:26:44 UTC+1, Emanuel Buzek wrote:
> Hi there,
> I just used the elasticsearch aggregations through the Java API for the 
> first time.
> All I wanted was a simple min/max/sum/avg, so I used the Stats 
> aggregation. However, I was very surprised that the filter in the 
> SearchRequestBuilder is ignored, so I had to wrap the Stats Aggregation 
> into FilterAggregation.
> Getting the aggregation result seems a bit tedious:
> InternalStats stats = 
> (InternalStats)((InternalFilter)a).getAggregations().asList().get(0);
> Maybe I am using the Java API wrong (I hope I am, otherwise it's imho 
> poorly designed.) Can anyone point me to an example how to access the 
> aggregation results from Java better?
> Also, I think that the aggregation should be filtered by default. If I 
> specify the filter with a query or post filter:
> queryBuilder = QueryBuilders.filteredQuery(queryBuilder, filterBuilder);
>   searchRequestBuilder.setQuery(queryBuilder);
> and then add an aggregation GET to the same searchRequestBuilder, I think 
> it's very unintuitive if the aggregation is computed globally. Anyone has 
> this feeling as well?
> thanks, emanuel
> -- 
> Emanuel Buzek
> Software Engineer, <>
> tel: +420 776 54 26 26

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