
We're evaluating ElasticSearch and for this we're trying to deploy a 
cluster against our production data.
For now, the goal is to index and see the performance on some obvious 

We have deployed 2 nodes and "secured" them using an NGINX proxy which 
"hides" them behind HTTPS with Basic Auth. 
Each node work well individually, but they fail to communicate with each 

I understand that multicast will not work since we use nginx, so we 
configured the nodes using this:
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: <ip1>,<ip2>

How can we specify which ports to use (8080), the fact that it needs to use 
SSL and credentials for HTTP basic Auth?

Is that even doable? If not how can we get both nodes to communicate 
securely given that we Linode servers (XEN instances in a network that we 
do not control).


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