I could still use feedback on this plan.

On Sunday, August 31, 2014 9:08:12 PM UTC+10, Alex Harvey wrote:
> Hi all
> I could use some help getting my head around the snapshot and restore 
> functionality in ES.
> I have a requirement to do incremental daily tape backups and full backups 
> weekly using EMC's Avamar backup software.
> I'd really appreciate if someone can tell me if the following plan is 
> going to work -
> 1)  Export an NFS filesystem from the storage node to both ES data nodes, 
> and mount that as /mnt/backup on both nodes.
> 2)  From one of the ES nodes register this directory as the shared 
> repository: curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/backup' -d 
> '{"type": "fs","settings": {"location": "/mnt/backup"}}'
> 3)  On Saturday do a full backup:
> i. Get a list of all snapshots using: curl -XGET 
> 'localhost:9200/_snapshot/_status'
> ii. For each of these delete using a command like: curl -XDELETE 
> 'localhost:9200/_snapshot/backup/snapshot_20140830'
> iii.  Create a full backup using:  curl -XPUT 
> "localhost:9200/_snapshot/backup/snapshot_$(date 
> +%Y%m%d)?wait_for_completion=true"
> iv.  Copy the /mnt/backup directory to tape telling Avamar to take a full 
> backup
> 4)  On Sunday to Friday do incremental backups based on the Saturday 
> backup:
> i.  Simply run: curl -XPUT 
> "localhost:9200/_snapshot/backup/snapshot_$(date 
> +%d%m%Y)?wait_for_completion=true"
> ii.  Copy /mnt/backup to tape telling Avamar to take an incremental backup
> Is this plan going to work?  Is there a better way?
> Thanks very much in advance.
> Best regards,
> Alex

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