On 2014-09-25 11:57 am, Brian wrote:
And as my part of the bargain, I will use Perl, R, or whatever else is
at my disposal to create custom commands that can run on the Kibana
host and perform all of the analysis that our group needs.

Something to remember: The "Kibana host" is your browser. The current version of Kibana run entirely within the browser, making calls to Elasticsearch for data, processing it and generating graphs all within the browser. There is no server-side operating component, just static files that get loaded into your browser.

Given that, calling back to a server-side R, Perl, etc. script is problematic. The suggestion to use Elasticsearch-side scripting may have value.

I have had great success using Kibana to drill into my data, identify what I'm after, pull out an elasticsearch query, then use that in my own tools to obtain data and present it as needed. It would be nice to have a CSV output in Kibana, for example.

Kibana does what it does very well, but don't try to force it into a mold it's not suited for.


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