The problem was that my test script did not pause between 
creating/populating the index, and searching on it. Even though there are 
very few documents (10), ElasticSearch still needs a second or two to catch 
its breath and mop its brow before it is ready to search.

Now to find a way to rank shorter strings higher than longer ones.... but 
that's another question....


On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 11:24:17 AM UTC+1, Lee Gee wrote:
> I have an ElasticSearch string field configured for autocomplete like this:
>         autocomplete_analyzer:
>           type: custom
>           tokenizer: whitespace
>           filter: [ lowercase, asciifolding, ending_synonym, 
> name_synonyms, autocomplete_filter ]
>         autocomplete_filter:
>           type: edge_ngram
>           min_gram: 1
>           max_gram: 20
>           token_chars: [ letter, digit, whitespace, punctuation, symbol ]
>         search_analyzer:
>           type:     custom
>           tokenizer: whitespace
>           filter: [ lowercase, asciifolding, standard, name_synonyms, 
> ending_synonym ]
> I have a record where the field contains 'S XYZ', and lots of other 
> records where the field contains other words beginning S.
> I do not understand why, when I search for 'S XYZ', it is not the first 
> result.
> Could someone please explain ?
> Many thanks in anticipation
> lee

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