
Try the latest build of elasticsearch-hadoop,  ver 2.1.0 Beta 2

The esRDD has been changed to sparks PairRDD

The RDD will now be key/value (tuples) that look like (String, Map[String, 

so you could start to walk the json key/value hierarchy with something like:

esRDD.flatMap { args => args._2.get("aggregations") }

(the syntax above is not exact, since your specific query result may have a 
different first key/value pair as the first object )

Jeff Steinmetz
Director of Data Science
Ekho, Inc.

On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 6:13:37 AM UTC-7, siva pradeep wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a query which filters the rows and then applies the aggregation. I 
> tried running the query in "Sense" it gave me the expected result. But when 
> I try to run the same query using elasticsearch-spark_2.10 I get the rows 
> filtered by the query but not the aggregation result. I am sure I am 
> missing some thing but unable to figure out that.
>  Here is the query
> GET _search
> {
>   "query" : {
>     "bool": {
>       "must": [
>         {
>           "filtered": {
>             "query": {
>               "range": {
>                 "@timestamp": {
>                   "from": "2014-09-03T01:40:37.437Z",
>                   "to": "2014-09-03T01:45:11.437Z"
>                 }
>               }
>             }
>           }
>         }
>       ]
>     }
>   },
>   "size": 0,
>   "fields": ["cid","entity"],
>   "aggs": {
>     "cid": {
>       "terms": {
>         "field": "cid",
>         "min_doc_count": 2,
>         "size": 100
>       },
>       "aggs": {
>         "tn": {
>           "terms": {
>             "field": "entity"
>           }
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   }
> }
> Query Result:
> {
>    "took": 10005,
>    "timed_out": false,
>    "_shards": {
>       "total": 10,
>       "successful": 10,
>       "failed": 0
>    },
>    "hits": {
>       "total": 2430,
>       "max_score": 0,
>       "hits": []
>    },
>    "aggregations": {
>       "cid": {
>          "buckets": [
>             {
>                "key": " 01abcecc9a20cd3d6ae6be3509d014ba@ 
> <javascript:>",
>                "doc_count": 2,
>                "tn": {
>                   "buckets": [
>                      {
>                         "key": "15052563268",
>                         "doc_count": 2
>                      }
>                   ]
>                }
>             }
>          ]
>       }
>    }
> }
> Spark program :
> object PresenceFilter extends App {
>   val query: String = "{\n\n  \"query\" : {\n\n    \"bool\": {\n\n      
> \"must\": [\n\n        {\n\n          \"filtered\": {\n\n            
> \"query\": {\n\n              \"range\": {\n\n                
> \"@timestamp\": {\n\n                  \"from\": 
> \"2014-09-03T01:40:37.437Z\",\n\n                  \"to\": 
> \"2014-09-03T01:45:11.437Z\"\n\n                }\n\n              
> }\n\n            }\n\n          }\n\n        }\n\n      ]\n\n    }\n\n  
> },\n  \n  \"size\": 0,\n  \n  \"fields\": [\"cid\",\"entity\"],\n\n  
> \"aggs\": {\n\n    \"cid\": {\n\n      \"terms\": {\n\n        \"field\": 
> \"cid\",\n\n        \"min_doc_count\": 2,\n\n        \"size\": 100\n\n      
> },\n      \n      \"aggs\": {\n\n        \"tn\": {\n\n          \"terms\": 
> {\n\n            \"field\": \"entity\"\n\n          }\n\n        }\n\n      
> }\n\n    }\n  }\n\n}"
>   val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
>     .setAppName("PresenceAnalysis")
>     .setMaster("local[4]")
>     .set("es.nodes", "")
>     .set("es.port", "9200")
>     .set("es.resource", s"presence-2014.09.03/presence")
>     .set("es.endpoint", "_search")
>    // .set("es.query", query)
>   val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
> sc.esRDD.count   returns 2430 rows
> How do I get the aggregation part (the following part) of the result into 
> the program
>  "aggregations": {
>       "cid": {
>          "buckets": [
>             {
>                "key": " 01abcecc9a20cd3d6ae6be3509d014ba@ 
> <javascript:>",
>                "doc_count": 2,
>                "tn": {
>                   "buckets": [
>                      {
>                         "key": "15052563268",
>                         "doc_count": 2
>                      }
>                   ]
>                }
>             }
> Please advise.
> Thanks,
> Siva P

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