Can you run the validate query output. That will be helpful.

On Thursday, November 6, 2014 4:47:12 PM UTC-8, Dave Reed wrote:
> I have a document with a field "message", that contains the following text 
> (truncated):
> Welcome to!
> The assertion field is mapped to have an analyzer that breaks that string 
> into the following tokens:
> welcome
> to
> test
> com
> But, when I search with a query like this:
> {
>   "query": {
>     "query_string": {
>       "query": "id:3955974 AND message:welcome-doesnotmatchanything"
>     }
>   }
> }
> To my surprise, it finds the document (3955974 is the document id). The 
> dash and everything after it seems to be ignored, because it does not 
> matter what I put there, it will still match the document.
> I've tried escaping it:
> {
>   "query": {
>     "query_string": {
>       "query": "id:3955974 AND message:welcome\\-doesnotmatchanything"
>     }
>   }
> }
> (note the double escape since it has to be escaped for the JSON too)
> But that makes no difference. I still get 1 matching document. If I put it 
> in quotes it works:
> {
>   "query": {
>     "query_string": {
>       "query": "id:3955974 AND message:\"welcome-doesnotmatchanything\""
>     }
>   }
> }
> It works, meaning it matches 0 documents, since that document does not 
> contain the "doesnotmatchanything" token. That's great, but I don't 
> understand why the unquoted version does not work. This query is being 
> generated so I can't easily just decide to start quoting it, and I can't 
> always do that anyway since the user is sometimes going to use wildcards, 
> which can't be quoted if I want them to function. I was under the 
> assumption that an EscapedUnquotedString is the same as a quoted unespaced 
> string (in other words, foo:a\b\c === foo:"abc", assuming all special 
> characters are escaped in the unquoted version).
> I'm only on ES 1.01, but I don't see anything new or changes that would 
> have impacted this behavior in later versions.
> Any insights would be helpful! :)

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