
I posted an earlier note on looking for "?" properly but didn't receive a 
response. I am trying again.


Essentially, I need to query for a string "?confid" but I tried the 

[root@node4 logstash]# curl -XGET '
http://localhost:9200/logstash-2014.11.16/_search?pretty' -d '


"query": {


     "filter": {

       "term": { "message":"?confid"}





No response, I tried 

curl -XGET 
'http://localhost:9200/logstash-2014.11.16/nginx_access/_search?pretty' -d '
     "match_phrase":{ "rom": "\?confid"}

I get an error

 "error" : "SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], 
all shards failed; shardFailures 
SearchParseException[[logstash-2014.11.16][0]: from[-1],size[-1]: Parse 
Failure [Failed to parse source [\n{\n  \"query\":{\n     
\"match_phrase\":{ \"rom\": \"\\?confid\"}\n   }\n}]]]; nested: 
QueryParsingException[[logstash-2014.11.16] Failed to parse]; nested: 
JsonParseException[Unrecognized character escape '?' (code 63)\n at 
[Source: [B@21cf628a; line: 4, column: 33]]; 
SearchParseException[[logstash-2014.11.16][1]: from[-1],size[-1]: Parse 
Failure [Failed to parse source [\n{\n  \"query\":{\n     
\"match_phrase\":{ \"rom\": \"\\?confid\"}\n   }\n}]]]; nested: 
QueryParsingException[[logstash-2014.11.16] Failed to parse]; nested: 
JsonParseException[Unrecognized character escape '?' (code 63)\n at 
[Source: [B@21cf628a; line: 4, column: 33]]; 
SearchParseException[[logstash-2014.11.16][2]: from[-1],size[-1]: Parse 
Failure [Failed to parse source [\n{\n  \"query\":{\n     
\"match_phrase\":{ \"rom\": \"\\?confid\"}\n   }\n}]]]; nested: 
QueryParsingException[[logstash-2014.11.16] Failed to parse]; nested: 
JsonParseException[Unrecognized character escape '?' (code 63)\n at 
[Source: [B@21cf628a; line: 4, column: 33]]; 
SearchParseException[[logstash-2014.11.16][3]: from[-1],size[-1]: Parse 
Failure [Failed to parse source [\n{\n  \"query\":{\n     
\"match_phrase\":{ \"rom\": \"\\?confid\"}\n   }\n}]]]; nested: 
QueryParsingException[[logstash-2014.11.16] Failed to parse]; nested: 
JsonParseException[Unrecognized character escape '?' (code 63)\n at 
[Source: [B@21cf628a; line: 4, column: 33]]; 
SearchParseException[[logstash-2014.11.16][4]: from[-1],size[-1]: Parse 
Failure [Failed to parse source [\n{\n  \"query\":{\n     
\"match_phrase\":{ \"rom\": \"\\?confid\"}\n   }\n}]]]; nested: 
QueryParsingException[[logstash-2014.11.16] Failed to parse]; nested: 
JsonParseException[Unrecognized character escape '?' (code 63)\n at 
[Source: [B@21cf628a; line: 4, column: 33]]; }]",
  "status" : 400


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