Sounds like a bug.  If I had to guess I'd say Elasticsearch is rounding the
type up to support unsigned bytes and not doing the range check but I
haven't looked.


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 9:34 AM, Damien Montigny <>

> Anyone ?
> Le jeudi 20 novembre 2014 16:27:44 UTC+1, Damien Montigny a écrit :
>> Hi everyone,
>> If was experimenting on mappings for index size optimization purpose and
>> I have an issue, it seems a bug to me, I cannot find any documentaion about
>> it.
>> When I declare a field of type *byte *ES seems to be considering it as
>> *short*, for proof see the error message of the last curl below, it
>> mentions the short type even though I declared a byte
>> (*MapperParsingException[failed to parse [some_data]]; nested:
>> JsonParseException[Numeric value (32768) out of range of Java short*)
>> *Every has been tested on a freshly untared ES.*
>> *# Create the index*
>> curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/some_index?pretty' -d '
>> {
>>     "mappings": {
>>         "some_type": {
>>             "dynamic": "strict",
>>             "properties": {
>>                 "some_data": {
>>                     "type": "byte"
>>                 }
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> '
>> *# Insert a doc with a value just out of the range of the byte type,
>> success, wierd*
>> curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/some_index/some_type/1?pretty"; -d '
>> {
>>     "some_data": 256
>> }
>> '
>> *# Insert a doc with the max value for the short type, success, still
>> wierd*
>> curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/some_index/some_type/1?pretty"; -d '
>> {
>>     "some_data": 32767
>> }
>> '
>> *# Insert a doc with a value just out of the range of the short type,
>> failure, ok I get it, ES sees it as a short...*
>> curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/some_index/some_type/1?pretty"; -d '
>> {
>>     "some_data": 32768
>> }
>> '
>> *java -version* outputs :
>> java version "1.7.0_07"
>> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_07-b10)
>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.3-b01, mixed mode)
>> *lsb_release -a* outputs :
>> Distributor ID:    Ubuntu
>> Description:    Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
>> Release:    12.04
>> Codename:    precise
>> *uname -r* outputs:
>> 3.1.10-1.9-ec2
>> *ES info* : ES 1.4.0
>> *Thanks in advance for the help.*
>> Damien
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