Logstash doesn't support the percolator API today.

On Friday, December 5, 2014 8:02:39 AM UTC-7, Thorsten Nickel wrote:
> Dear all,
> this is my first post to this group, since any more googling does not 
> result in any more results, this looks like my last hope.
> Regarding my problem, I have an ELK Stack up and running. My logstasher 
> sits on system logs, grok's them as I want them to, and puts these 
> informations
> via the elasticsearch output plugin into ES. Using Kibana Frontend, I can 
> see my Loglines flowing in, and everything is good.
> Now for my scenario, I would like to have some form of basic 'alerting' 
> put into this chain. For this, I put up a percolator query into ES.
> If I use CURL to ask with this percolator, I get my result like this :
> curl -XGET '
> '
> {
>   "took" : 38,
>   "_shards" : {
>     "total" : 5,
>     "successful" : 5,
>     "failed" : 0
>   },
>   "total" : 1,
>   "matches" : [ {
>     "_index" : "logstash-2014.12.05",
>     "_id" : "monitor_red"
>   } ]
> }
> The point is, I kinda need to do this percolator query, when I put my Doc 
> into ES using logstash so I can see, if it triggers the percolator query or 
> not. Or another point would be, if I have like
> thousands of docs in ES, how would I percolate through all of them to see, 
> which ones match the monitor_red query?
> As far as I can see, I need to query with the percolator one doc at a 
> time.... looks really cumbersome to me.
> I hope that I explained my problem good enough.
> Kind regards,
> T. Nickel

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