The best way to think of elasticsearch is as an ever evolving swiss army 
knife for search. It has support for both traditional search features as 
well as some advanced features for structured search. For example, 
elasticsearch aggregations have very little to do with text search but are 
highly useful for digging through log data and other structured data. I 
wouldn't worry too much about the marketing, although given the work in 
particular areas, I would expect a lot more emphasis on things it has 
recently become much better on (e.g. aggregations, structured search, use 
as a resilient sharded& replicated document store) rather than stuff it has 
always done well (i.e. text search).

If you have a small company (like we do) and you are considering to bet the 
future on a technology like elasticsearch (like we did), it is useful to 
consider what you expect from the product right now and in the future. I'm 
now two years into this choice and at the time it was a shaky bet informed 
in no small part by my previous experience with lucene and solr. In short, 
I knew what was possible technically, what the limitations were, and which 
things were being worked on. So, it paid off but a lot of the features we 
use today did not exist two years ago. In retrospect, our timing was 
perfect and Elasticsearch seems to have a knack to deliver stuff we need 
just in time.

On Tuesday, December 9, 2014 9:40:37 AM UTC+1, Gianni Livolsi wrote:
> Elasticsearch is apparently morphing from a traditional enterprise search 
> engine  into a log analytics. I' am planning the future of my small 
> company 
> but I want to start in the right direction, that's just my feeling or 
> actually elasticsearch is changing its marketing strategies?? 
> -- 
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