*Does not work (using JAVA API):*

String script = "ctx._source.objectsList += newObject";
> UpdateRequestBuilder prepareUpdate = client.prepareUpdate("indexName",
> "typeName", "id");
> prepareUpdate.setScriptLang("groovy");
> prepareUpdate.setScript(script, ScriptType.INLINE);
> prepareUpdate.addScriptParam("newObject", "{\"status\":\"aasdsd\"}");
> prepareUpdate.get();

 Is there a way to reproduce the working REST API behavior with the Java

2014-12-16 15:17 GMT-02:00 Roger de Cordova Farias <
> Ok, I found out that I can send a JSON as a script parameter and just
> append it to the nested objects list (with list += newObject or
> list.add(newObject) ) using groovy and it works
> But it is not working with the Java API, I can only get it to work using
> the REST API.
> When using Java the JSON is treated as a string, then I get the error:
> object mapping [objectsList] trying to serialize a value with no field
>> associated with it, current value [{"field":"value"}]
> I can reproduce the error in the REST API by wrapping the JSON parameter
> with quotes:
> *Works (using REST API):*
> {
>>   "script": "ctx._source.objectsList += newObject",
>>   "params": {
>>     "newObject": {"field": "value"}
>>   },
>>   "lang": "groovy"
>> }
> *Does not work (using REST API):*
> {
>>   "script": "ctx._source.objectsList += newObject",
>>   "params": {
>>     "newObject": "{\"field\": \"value\"}"
>>   },
>>   "lang": "groovy"
>> }
> *Does not work (using JAVA API):*
> String script = "ctx._source.objectsList += newObject";
> 2014-12-16 13:04 GMT-02:00 Roger de Cordova Farias <
> roger.far...@fontec.inf.br>:
>> Hello
>> I'm trying to update a document whose root object contains a list of
>> nested objects. I need to send an object of the nested type as a script
>> parameter to append to the list
>> How can I append the json (a string type) to the nested objects list of
>> the root object using Groovy? or should I use another script lang?
>> I tried using JsonSlurper <http://groovy-lang.org/json.html> in Groovy,
>> that converts between json and Groovy objects, but I always get:
>> Caused by:
>>> org.elasticsearch.script.groovy.GroovyScriptCompilationException:
>>> MultipleCompilationErrorsException[startup failed:
>>> Script3.groovy: 2: unable to resolve class JsonSlurper
>>>  @ line 2, column 19.
>>>    def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper();
>>>                      ^
>>> 1 error
>>> ]
>>> at
>>> org.elasticsearch.script.groovy.GroovyScriptEngineService.compile(GroovyScriptEngineService.java:117)
>>> at
>>> org.elasticsearch.script.ScriptService.getCompiledScript(ScriptService.java:368)
>>> at org.elasticsearch.script.ScriptService.compile(ScriptService.java:354)
>>> at
>>> org.elasticsearch.script.ScriptService.executable(ScriptService.java:497)
>>> at
>>> org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateHelper.prepare(UpdateHelper.java:149)
>>> ... 8 more

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