On 12/18/14 8:27 PM, chris wrote:

You recommend the native integration instead of MR and I see on the official 
documentation that MR is recommended to
read/write data to ES using spark. Spark support Doc

what would be the basic piece of code to read data from ES without using MR ?

I'm currently struggling with EsInputFormat[, 
MapWritable] structure.

my code is :

val sc = new SparkContext(...)

   val configuration = new Configuration()
   configuration.set("es.nodes", "xxxxxx")
   configuration.set("es.port", "9200")
   configuration.set("es.resource", resource) // my index/type
   configuration.set("es.query", query) //basicaly a match_all

   val esRDD = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(configuration, 
MapWritable]],classOf[], classOf[MapWritable])

assume my data is mapped as follow :

     "oceannetworks": {
         "mappings": {
             "transcript": {
                 "properties": {
                     "cruiseID": {
                         "type": "string"
                     "diveID": {
                         "type": "string"
                     "filename_root": {
                         "type": "string"
                     "id": {
                         "type": "string"
                     "result": {
                         "type": "nested",
                         "properties": {
                             "begin_time": {
                                 "type": "double"
                             "confidence": {
                                 "type": "double"
                             "end_time": {
                                 "type": "double"
                             "location": {
                                 "type": "geo_point"
                             "word": {
                                 "type": "string"
                     "status": {
                         "type": "string"
                     "uuid": {
                         "type": "string"
                     "version": {
                         "type": "string"

I'm able to retrieve 1st level information like diveID , cruiseID ... but it's 
not clear how to get the 2nd lvl
collection "result". It seams I get a WritableArrayWritable but I'm not sure 
how to handle it.

I get 1st lvl data with these king of code :

val uuids ="uuid")).toString).take(10)

I could use a little bit of help :)



Le lundi 8 décembre 2014 10:19:12 UTC-5, Costin Leau a écrit :


    First off I recommend using the native integration (aka the Java/Scala 
APIs) instead of MapReduce. The latter works but
    the former is better performing and more flexible.

    ES works in a similar fashion to the HDFS store - the data doesn't go 
through the master rather, each task has its own
    partition on works on its own set of data. Behind the scenes we map each 
worker to an index shard (if there aren't
    enough workers, then some will work across multiple shards).

    On 12/8/14 4:59 PM, Mohamed Lrhazi wrote:
    > am trying to understand how spark and ES work... could someone please 
help me answer this question..
    > val conf = new Configuration()
    > conf.set("es.resource", "radio/artists")
    > conf.set("es.query", "?q=me*")
    > val esRDD = sc.newHadoopRDD(conf, classOf[EsInputFormat[Text, 
    >                                    classOf[Text], classOf[MapWritable]))
    > val docCount = esRDD.count();
    > When and where is data being transferred from ES? is it all collected on 
the Spark master node, then partitioned and
    > sent to the worker nodes? or is each worker node talking to ES to somehow 
get a partition of the data?
    > How does this effectively work?
    > Thanks a lot,
    > Mohamed.
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