Title: Re: Dynamically appending a query (for data entitlements)

Are you allowing your users to directly talk to Elasticsearch? If so apart from modifying Elasticsearch (either the base code itself, or through dedicated plugin) you can't achieve what you want. You could use aliases (
http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-aliases.html ) and define an alias per vendor that would restrict the data returned. However if users are allowed to directly talk to Elasticsearch there is a high risk that one would just omit the alias and go directly to the indices.

On the other hand you probably have some application in front of Elasticsearch and this is a perfect place to take the query from the user and modify it to include additional filter.  

Rafał Kuć
Performance Monitoring * Log Analytics * Search Analytics
Solr & Elasticsearch Support *

I have a use case where for every query that is coming from the user to elasticsearch (ES), I want to add another query on ES server side before ES executes the query.

The reason I need to dynamically add this other query is for enforcing data-level entitlements.

e.g. Let's say that I am storing Orders in one of my ES indexes. Each Order has a vendorid associated with it.

When a user of my app submits a query for Orders, I want to make sure that only those Orders are returned by ES search that belong to the vendorid of this user

e.g. the user may have submitted a query to show all orders where order value >= $100. I want to append another query to this saying that only the Orders that are associated with the vendor id of this user should be returned.

How can I achieve this? In the servlet world we have the mechanism of FILTERS. Is something similar available in ES?



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