Also, I tried this:

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/test/_settings' -d '

> {

>     "index" : {

>         "analysis" : {

>             "analyzer" : {

>                 "synonym" : {

>                     "tokenizer" : "whitespace",

>                     "filter" : ["synonym"]

>                 }

>             },

>             "filter" : {

>                 "synonym" : {

>                     "type" : "synonym",

>                     "synonyms_path" : "analysis/synonym.txt"

>                 }

>             }

>         }

>     }

> }'

Which gives the response : {"acknowledged":true} , but it still didn't 
change the outcome when querying 

On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 12:57:51 PM UTC-8, james rubinstein wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to using ES, but have so far found the process quite intuitive. 
> I've installed ES, set up an index, indexed a bunch of JSON documents, and 
> I can search them. Hooray! 
> However, I want to start using synonyms for a few queries. I'd like to do 
> this at query time using a synonym file. How can I install the synonym file 
> and have ES read it? 
> I'm using elasticsearch-1.4.1 on Mac OSX locally. 
> I've read through the docs  
> <>
>  but 
> I still don't understand what to do because I'm still not seeing queries 
> that use the synonym I've defined. 
> POST /test/_settings
> { 
>     "index" : {
>         "analysis" : {
>             "analyzer" : {
>                 "synonym" : {
>                     "tokenizer" : "whitespace",
>                     "filter" : ["synonym"]
>                 }
>             },
>             "filter" : {
>                 "synonym" : {
>                     "type" : "synonym",
>                     "synonyms_path" : "analysis/synonym.txt"
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> My synonym file has one line:
> "clementine    => clementine,mandarin,orange,citrus"
> When I search for "Clementine" on my index I get 3 results, searching for 
> "Orange" gets me 66. 
> Thanks,
> JR

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