AFAIK, Kibana by default saves it's dashboards in an ES index called 
kibana-int, as referenced in your httpd.conf file here: <LocationMatch 

You could restrict commands on that index based on authentication, like x 
user can do GET POST, whereas y user can do DELETE GET POST PULL, etc.  

On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 12:31:22 PM UTC-5, Taylor Wood wrote:
> I am looking to require passwords to access specific dashboards in kibana. 
>  I am using apache and currently have basic authentication working for the 
> site as a whole but want to lock it down even more so only some users have 
> access to specific dashboards.
> Kabana v3
> Below is my httpd conf file.
> =========
> [root@SERVER conf.d]# cat kibana3.conf 
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>   ServerName MY SERVER NAME
>   DocumentRoot /var/www/kibana3
>   <Directory /var/www/kibana3>
>     Allow from all
>     Options -Multiviews
>   </Directory>
>   LogLevel debug
>   ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log
>   CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log combined
>   # Set global proxy timeouts
>   <Proxy>
>     ProxySet connectiontimeout=5 timeout=90
>   </Proxy>
>   # Proxy for _aliases and .*/_search
>   <LocationMatch 
> "^/(_nodes|_aliases|.*/_aliases|_search|.*/_search|_mapping|.*/_mapping)$">
>   #  ProxyPassMatch$1
>   #  ProxyPassReverse$1
>   </LocationMatch>
>   # Proxy for kibana-int/{dashboard,temp} stuff (if you don't want auth on 
> /, then you will want these to be protected)
>   <LocationMatch "^/(kibana-int/dashboard/|kibana-int/temp)(.*)$">
>   #  ProxyPassMatch$1$2
>   #  ProxyPassReverse$1$2
>   </LocationMatch>
>   <Location />
>     Order deny,allow
>     Allow from all
>     AuthType Basic
>     AuthBasicProvider file
>     AuthName "Restricted"
>     AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf.d/kibana-htpasswd
>     AuthGroupFile /etc/httpd/conf.d/kibana-groups
>     Require valid-user
>   </Location>
> #  <Location /#/dashboard/elasticsearch/techsupport>
> #    Order deny,allow
> #    Allow from all
> #    AuthType Basic
> #    AuthBasicProvider file
> #    AuthName "Restricted"
>   #  AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf.d/kibana-htpasswd
>  #   AuthGroupFile /etc/httpd/conf.d/kibana-groups
> #    Require valid-user
> #  </Location>
> ============
> I also have a groups file and password file where it pulls the encrypted 
> passwords and users from.
> =========
> GroupName: admin tom fred joe
> ========
> joe:q.FjeZsgaHH.xMdf
> tom:NadbOcfsqQY6nsfd
> admin:j.ah3fsfdm0v7UVI
> ==============
> According to elasticsearch it should save the dashboards as a .json file 
> but it is not saving them here (hence I can not seem to lock them down with 
> apache through a file)
> [root@SERVERdashboards]# ls
> blank.json  default.json  guided.json  logstash.js  logstash.json 
>  noted.json  testdash.json
> At this point I am just spinning wheels and not getting anywhere.  Any 
> help is appreciated.

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