We're storing Kibana-style time series documents across three indexes on a
10 node cluster (i2.xlarges). These indexes have between 20M-500M docs at
peak and we use bool filters extensively while querying.  Query volumes are
pretty low (maybe around 100 searches/sec at peak) versus index ops

Recently, I've been noticing a lot of churn in our filter cache and I'm
wondering if our bitsets are optimized or maybe if we're just hitting
memory limits because of too many documents.

I understand that the result of the bool is the bitset that's cached as
opposed to the individual term filters themselves. This had me concerned
that for certain complex bool filters (where we have >10 or so term filters
inside a "must" clause), were creating bitsets that have far too narrow an
application (basically the one query they were used for).

If we have certain terms (say customer ID, ) which update fairly
infrequently (only with new docs) and others that update fairly frequently
(say time-based fields), is there a way to optimize our bool queries to
create reusable bitsets for the infrequent term filters while also having
the benefit of caching the result of the entire bool filter?

Is it as simple as adding _cache: true to the terms filters that are fairly

Anything else we can look at to help understand how to optimize our filter


Mike Sukmanowsky
Aspiring Digital Carpenter

*e*: mike.sukmanow...@gmail.com

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