I have found out, that it works when I use a Transport Client. Does this 
give any hint what is wrong with the Node Client Configuration? Both 
clients are using the elasticsearch binary protocol and port 9300 right?

Am Samstag, 31. Januar 2015 20:26:25 UTC+1 schrieb Stefan Meiwald:
> I am trying to connect with a Java application from localhost to my 
> elasticsearch cluster on a root server. My problem is that the java client 
> is not able to get a connection.
> Ports 9200-9299 and 9300-9400 are opened on the root server(groupelite.de
> ). 
> I configured my elasticsearch cluster to use unicast discovery and set its 
> inet ip address as "network.host". 
> This is how I instantiate my client:
>     NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder()
>       .clusterName("neeedo-es")
>       .settings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()
>         .classLoader(classOf[Settings].getClassLoader)
>         .put("discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts", "groupelite.de:9300")
>         .put("node.name", "neeedo-client"))
>       .client(true)
>       .data(false)
>       .node()
> And this is my elasticsearch.yml 
> https://gist.github.com/MeiSign/ccfdcc62643c1185bab3
> The firewall on the server should be turned off. You can also reach es 
> with http:
> http://www.groupelite.de:9200/
> The server is running ubuntu 14.04. Elasticsearch version is 1.4.2 on 
> client and server.
> Iam not very used to networking stuff but I hope to get some ideas from 
> you guys what is wrong.

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