Any help please??

On Saturday, 31 January 2015 09:56:38 UTC, Ali Kheyrollahi wrote:
> Hi,
> I really haven't found a consistent way to use query window in Discover or 
> Visualize tabs. My results become hit and miss and inconsistent.
> So I am searching for types of "my_type"  and I have a field called 
> CounterName and I am looking for \Windows Azure 
> Caching:Client(w3wp_2392)\Total Local Cache Hits
> Funny thing is searching for verbatim value does not work:
> CounterName"\Windows Azure Caching:Client(w3wp_2392)\Total Local Cache 
> Hits"
> And I have to escape only backslashes (well I am using double quotes so it 
> is literal, no?) and not brackets or colon:
> CounterName"\\Windows Azure Caching:Client(w3wp_2392)\\Total Local Cache 
> Hits"
> Now, the 2392 number here is variable (pid on the box) so I am trying to 
> look for \Windows Azure Caching:Client(w3wp_*)\Total Local Cache Hits and 
> I have tried all these to no avail:
> CounterName:"\\Windows Azure Caching:Client(w3wp_*)\\Total Local Cache 
> Hits"
> CounterName:"\\Windows Azure Caching:Client(w3wp_\*)\\Total Local Cache 
> Hits"
> CounterName:"\Windows Azure Caching:Client(w3wp_"*"\Total Local Cache 
> Hits" (nothing comes back)
> And also tried regex:
> CounterName:/\Windows Azure Caching:Client(w3wp_*)\\Total Local Cache Hits/
> CounterName:/\Windows Azure Caching:Client(w3wp_.*)\\Total Local Cache 
> Hits/
> ...
> With many different combinations of replacing reserved chars with ?. 
> What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks

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