Hi everyone,

I am considering moving one or several elasticsearch clusters to production.
Although Elasticsearch's documentation and community is *great*, I am 
strongly startled not to find any *complete use-case story* stretching from 
application(s) needs and data considerations to hardware ones.
Indeed, I understand why "what/how much hardware / configuration / 
sharding" questions are systematically replied with both "it depends" 
followed by "test".
But then, what about a few complete descriptions, out of so many 
elasticsearch users, from data use case to cluster's internals, along with 
a few performance and nodes stats?

So here are questions, before moving to production :

Are there any *complete* use cases around? Could you share some? By 
complete I mean including *at least some* of the following :
   1. *Application needs and scope*
   2. *Indexing Data indications* : data volume, documents mapping, 
   documents / indexes volume
   3. *Searching Data indications* : different applications, queries, use 
   of facets - filters - aggregations, concurrent indexing
   4. *Cluster Hardware* : machines' hardware (RAM, Disks/SSD - 
   DAS-JBOD/SAN/NAS), JVM heap / OS Cache, nb of machines, back office network
   5. *Cluster Configuration* : one or several indexes, sharding, 
   replication, master nodes, data nodes, use of over-sharding at start-up, 
   use of re-indexing
   6. *Benchmaks *: queries response times, QPS, with or without concurrent 
   indexing, memory heap sweet spot, nodes stats

For those interested, here are the (not *complete*) best-among-very-few 
exemples I've stumbled upon so far :

   - The very best (perfs with hardware and query description) : 
   - Hardware and master nodes heap : 
   - *6th slide* - Hardware and storage with number of documents (well, 
   without indexes and documents storage volume nor RAM consumption) :
   With JBOD / SAN storage discussion in "To Raid or not to Raid":
   - Usual heap considerations in a real case :

Do not forget Elasticsearch awesome docs for moving to production 
considerations :


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