I know this is difficult to answer, the real answer is always "It Depends" 
:) But I am going to go ahead and hope I get some feedback here.

We are mainly using ES to issue terms searches against fields that are 
non-analyzed. We are using ES like a key value store, where once the match 
is found we parse the _source JSON and return our model. We are doing 
contact lookups, searching against (last_name AND (phone_number OR email)). 
We are issuing constant_score queries with term filters for the terms 
mentioned above. No aggregations, no sorting, no scripts, etc. Using 
JMeter, we were maxing out at around 500 search requests / sec. Average 
request time was taking around 7 seconds to complete. When the test would 
fire up, the ThreadPool Search Queue would spike to 1000 on each node and 
CPU would be maxed out, then once it finished everything would return to 
normal. So it appears healthy, and we wouldn't get any errors - just 
nowhere close to the performance we are looking for.

Setup details
- Index size 100GB with two different document mappings in the index. 
Roughly 500M documents
- three nodes c3.4xl instances on EC2 using pIOPS SSD EBS disks (although 
NOT RAID 0 - just one big volume)
- each server node on EC2 has 30GB RAM, 16GB on heap, rest for OS
- we have set mlockall on our instances
- 3 nodes are split into 6 shards for the main index
- Index is read only after it is loaded - we don't update the index ever, 
it is only for querying
- ES version 1.3.3 Java 1.7.0_51
- each server has 16 cores / node and 48 search threads with queue length 
of 1000

Assuming no stemming, free text queries - just term matching, how can we 
increase the throughput and decrease the response time for the ES queries? 
is 500 requests / sec at the top end?
Do we just need many more servers if we really want 3000 requests / sec ? I 
have read that scaling out is better for ES vs scaling up. But it feels 
that the current server farm should deliver better performance. 

Any help or tuning advice would be really appreciated. We have looked at 
many slideshares, blog posts from found.no, elasticseearch.org, etc - and 
can't really pinpoint a way to improve our setup. 



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