FYI, you can also try a search using these coordinates (which are clearly 
incorrect) in your filter, and it still returns a result.

 "coordinates": [ -119, 35 ]

On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 3:04:29 PM UTC-8, Alexei Peters wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> I have a nested document that includes a spatial component that I'm using 
> in a spatial query via the geo_shape filter.
> I've noticed that the filter consistently returns a result that includes a 
> geometry that clearly falls outside the spatial filter.
> I've tested the spatial intersection in PostGIS and that correctly returns 
> back no result from the same query.
> Can anyone else verify this?  We have lots of other MultiPolygon data that 
> seems to work just fine.
> I'm using the REST api against ES v1.4.1
> *Here's the document I'm testing against:*
> {"dates": [],
> "geometries": [{
>   "value": {
>     "type": "MultiPolygon",
>     "coordinates": [
>       [
>         [
>           [-118.32608,
>           34.07035],
>           [-118.32657,
>           34.07035],
>           [-118.32657,
>           34.07054],
>           [-118.32608,
>           34.07054],
>           [-118.32608,
>           34.07035]
>         ]
>       ],
>       [
>         [
>           [-118.32608,
>           34.07021],
>           [-118.32608,
>           34.07004],
>           [-118.32657,
>           34.07004],
>           [-118.32657,
>           34.07021],
>           [-118.32608,
>           34.07021]
>         ]
>       ]
>     ]
>   },
>   "label": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-118.32608 34.07035,-118.32657 
> 34.07035,-118.32657 34.07054,-118.32608 34.07054,-118.32608 
> 34.07035)),((-118.32608 34.07021,-118.32608 34.07004,-118.32657 
> 34.07004,-118.32657 34.07021,-118.32608 34.07021)))",
>   "child_entities": [],
>   "entitytypeid": "SPATIAL_COORDINATES_GEOMETRY.E47",
>   "parentid": "80446382-0e96-4db1-8a37-95aca166b785",
>   "entityid": "81b06621-2989-4825-98f3-88ee2ac937b6",
>   "property": "P87",
>   "businesstablename": "geometries"
> }],
> "child_entities": [{
>   "value": "Windsor Square District Non-Contributor",
>   "label": "Windsor Square District Non-Contributor",
>   "child_entities": [],
>   "entitytypeid": "NAME.E41",
>   "parentid": "5fbe787f-8fc3-4986-b77a-38828699b68c",
>   "entityid": "62a82362-b7c3-4ad2-ba58-29bab7dc5dbb",
>   "property": "P1",
>   "businesstablename": "strings"
> }, {
>   "value": "",
>   "label": "",
>   "child_entities": [],
>   "entitytypeid": "PLACE.E53",
>   "parentid": "5fbe787f-8fc3-4986-b77a-38828699b68c",
>   "entityid": "80446382-0e96-4db1-8a37-95aca166b785",
>   "property": "P53",
>   "businesstablename": ""
> }],
> "label": "",
> "date_groups": [],
> "primaryname": "Windsor Square District Non-Contributor",
> "value": "",
> "entitytypeid": "HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
> "domains": [{
>   "conceptid": "a5675b84-fed4-4839-9afa-434be64c3899",
>   "child_entities": [],
>   "label": "Primary",
>   "value": "b171b37b-4c78-4b51-91a9-503541511be4",
>   "entitytypeid": "NAME_TYPE.E55",
>   "parentid": "62a82362-b7c3-4ad2-ba58-29bab7dc5dbb",
>   "entityid": "4bd86b01-a047-4e7a-953a-00d2243e39db",
>   "property": "P2",
>   "businesstablename": "domains"
> }],
> "entityid": "5fbe787f-8fc3-4986-b77a-38828699b68c",
> "property": "",
> "businesstablename": ""}
> *Here's the DSL:*
> {
>   "query": {
>     "filtered": {
>       "filter": {
>         "and": [
>           {
>             "bool": {
>               "should": [],
>               "must_not": [],
>               "must": [
>                 {
>                   "nested": {
>                     "path": "geometries",
>                     "query": {
>                       "geo_shape": {
>                         "geometries.value": {
>                           "shape": {
>                             "type": "Point",
>                             "coordinates": [
>                               -118.34194465228431,
>                               34.06402964781424
>                             ]
>                           }
>                         }
>                       }
>                     }
>                   }
>                 }
>               ]
>             }
>           }
>         ]
>       },
>       "query": {
>         "match_all": {}
>       }
>     }
>   },
>   "from": 0,
>   "size": 5
> } 
> *Here's the mapping for the index:*
>   "properties": {
>     "businesstablename": {
>       "index": "not_analyzed",
>       "type": "string"
>     },
>     "child_entities": {
>       "type": "nested",
>       "properties": {
>         "businesstablename": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "entitytypeid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "property": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "entityid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "label": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "value": {
>           "type": "string",
>           "fields": {
>             "raw": {
>               "index": "not_analyzed",
>               "type": "string"
>             },
>             "folded": {
>               "analyzer": "folding",
>               "type": "string"
>             }
>           }
>         },
>         "parentid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         }
>       }
>     },
>     "entitytypeid": {
>       "index": "not_analyzed",
>       "type": "string"
>     },
>     "domains": {
>       "type": "nested",
>       "properties": {
>         "businesstablename": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "entitytypeid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "property": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "conceptid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "entityid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "label": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "value": {
>           "type": "string",
>           "fields": {
>             "raw": {
>               "index": "not_analyzed",
>               "type": "string"
>             }
>           }
>         },
>         "parentid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         }
>       }
>     },
>     "dates": {
>       "type": "nested",
>       "properties": {
>         "businesstablename": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "entitytypeid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "property": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "entityid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "label": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "value": {
>           "format": "dateOptionalTime",
>           "type": "date"
>         },
>         "parentid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         }
>       }
>     },
>     "entityid": {
>       "index": "not_analyzed",
>       "type": "string"
>     },
>     "label": {
>       "index": "not_analyzed",
>       "type": "string"
>     },
>     "parentid": {
>       "index": "not_analyzed",
>       "type": "string"
>     },
>     "date_groups": {
>       "properties": {
>         "conceptid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         }
>       }
>     },
>     "geometries": {
>       "type": "nested",
>       "properties": {
>         "businesstablename": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "entitytypeid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "property": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "entityid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "label": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         },
>         "value": {
>           "type": "geo_shape"
>         },
>         "parentid": {
>           "index": "not_analyzed",
>           "type": "string"
>         }
>       }
>     },
>     "primaryname": {
>       "index": "not_analyzed",
>       "type": "string"
>     },
>     "property": {
>       "index": "not_analyzed",
>       "type": "string"
>     },
>     "value": {
>       "index": "not_analyzed",
>       "type": "string"
>     }
>   }
> Cheers,
> Alexei

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