You could do a few things, from my perspective. (Hope this hits some idea's 
you like)

   - upgrade, never hurts :) as long as you read the release notes to make 
   sure nothing your depending on.
   - Add some filters to your existing queries to exclude unneeded data
   - you can create "filter aliases" which lets you set up predefined alias 
   with filtered terms in-case you can't delete or loose data
      - I would rotate your index so all new data would go in to a new one 
   while the archive can wither and die
      - Maybe rotate it on a daily basis or a point of time that works for 
      your data sets  you can still have basic aliases to summarize multiple 
      depending on your query needs 
      - Use a project called curator to purge old data on a routine basis 
         - Finally if you need to massage the data you can look at this 
   -    it does full dumps 
      and also Query Style dumpes. 
      - Dump the whole index 
      - Then dump with a query
      - Delete and import your query dump to a Date based index that can be 
      purged later by curator
   - Oh just thought of this one, increase the number of shards and ES 
   nodes, I see you have only 2 
      - To do this will require you to export and import the data again. 
      (at least for the old data

On Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 4:13:07 PM UTC-4, AALISHE wrote:
> mkBig ... thanks for the suggestion ... but how do I exclude the things I 
> dont need ?
> cheers!

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