Running into an issue with URI searches not returning expected results 
after upgrading from 0.90.9 to 1.4.1

The issue is that subfields are not returned when specified with "&fields". 
 I have confirmed that the data is there by doing the same search without 
the &fields specifications and get the Meter.geometry.coordinates.  I am 
not seeing anything in the release notes for 1.4.1 that indicate any change 
in URI search functionality.

Hoping someone has run into this already and can tell me how to specify 
subfields for results sets other than the &fields method or how to get the 
&fields method to work again in 1.4.1+

Thanks in advance.

0.90.9 URI Search:

0.90.9 URI Search Results:
   - took: 2,
   - timed_out: false,
   - _shards: 
      - total: 3,
      - successful: 3,
      - failed: 0
   - hits: 
      - total: 1,
      - max_score: 11.723421,
      - hits: 
            - _index: "customer12345",
            - _type: "TapAndMeter",
            - _id: "086554009008655400270865540026",
            - _score: 11.723421,
            - fields: 
               - Meter.geometry.coordinates: 
                  - lon: -104.959796299,
                  - lat: 39.7702803882

1.4.1 URI Search:

1.4.1 URI Search Results:
   - took: 5,
   - timed_out: false,
   - _shards: 
      - total: 3,
      - successful: 3,
      - failed: 0
   - hits: 
      - total: 1,
      - max_score: 11.856463,
      - hits: 
            - _index: "customer12345",
            - _type: "TapAndMeter",
            - _id: "086554009008655400270865540026",
            - _score: 11.856463

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