When I try to list a specific index to take a snapshot of, the library 
seems to ignore it, and instead takes a snapshot of my entire cluster. It's 
the end of the day, and I'm likely missing something obvious, so any help 
would be appreciated.

Ultimately, I'm trying to do the equivalent of:

curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_backup/snapshot_1" -d '{
>     "indices": "logstash-2014.09.25",
>     "ignore_unavailable": "true",
>     "include_global_state": false
> }'

Here is my function:

function take(
>         $name,
>         $indices = array(),
>         $settings = array(
>             'wait_for_completion' => true,
>             'ignore_unavailable' => "true",
>             'include_global_state' => false
>         )
>     ) {
>         $params['repository'] = $this->clusterConfig['repository'];
>         $params['snapshot'] = $name;
>         $params['custom'] = array(
>             'ignore_unavailable' => $settings['ignore_unavailable'],
>             'include_global_state' => $settings['include_global_state']
>         );
>         $indicesString = "";
>         if (!empty($indices)) {
>             foreach ($indices as $value) {
>                 $indicesString .= $value . ",";
>             }
>             //remove ending comma
>             $indicesString = rtrim($indicesString, ",");
>             $params['custom']['indices'] = $indicesString;
>         }
>         $result = $this->es->snapshot()->create($params);
>         if (!$result['acknowledged']) {
>             $this->logger->addError("Failed to take snapshot $name in 
> cluster $this->clusterName.");
>         }
>     }

Called like:


$this->es is an instance of Elasticsearch\Client. 

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