I got it:

To add an array of var to an anonymous type add them like this.

            var field1 = new {field="Name^20"};
            var field2 = new {field = "_all"};
            var field3 = new {field = "Id^20"};
            var myfields = new [] {field1,field2};

This is slick now it puts the brackets in and there is no escaping :-)

On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 9:01:27 PM UTC-4, GWired wrote:
> I was able to get this to work in ES using head and got back what i needed.
> However translating to ElasticSearch.net has been an issue.
> I have an anonymous type doing a match all query and this works fine and 
> dandy.
> I am  trying to do the multi_match as above but it isn't returning any 
> results. I'm not sure 
> var myfields = "[\"Name&#94;20\",\"Id&#94;20\",\"_all\"]";  <- this gets 
> no results
> var myfields = "[\"Name^20\",\"Id^20\",\"_all\"]";  <- this crashes with 
> all kinds of errors
> How do you do these bracketed values?
>             var search = new
>             {
>                 query = new
>                 {
>                     multi_match = new
>                     {
>                         fields = myfields,
>                         query = keyword,
>                         type = "best_fields",
>                         use_dis_max= "true"
>                     }
>                 },
>                 from = 0,
>                 size = limitAllTypes,
>                 aggs = new
>                 {
>                     top_types = new
>                     {
>                         terms = new
>                         {
>                             field = "_type"
>                         },
>                         aggs = new
>                         {
>                             top_type_hits = new
>                             {
>                                 top_hits = new
>                                 {
>                                     size = limitPerType
>                                 }
>                             }
>                         }
>                     }
>                 }
>             };
> On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 12:06:47 PM UTC-4, Joel Potischman wrote:
>> You could use a boosting query 
>> <http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-boosting-query.html>,
>> or you could use a multi-match query 
>> <http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-multi-match-query.html>
>>  and 
>> add a boost directly to the name and id fields. Something like:
>> {
>>     "multi_match": {
>>         "fields": [
>>             "name^2",
>>             "id^2",
>>             "_all"
>>         ],
>>         "query": keyword,
>>         "type": "best_fields"
>>     }
>> }
>> That tells Elasticsearch to search all fields, but to additionally search 
>> name and id and double their score if they match (that's the "^2" part). 
>> the "best_fields" type will use the best score from the name, id, and _all 
>> searches. You might want most_fields to rank records that contain your 
>> query terms in name *and* id *and* other fields even higher.  Note that 
>> my snippet is using the Query DSL. The syntax for the client you're using 
>> will probably be slightly different but that's the general idea.
>> Also note that I've been using Elasticsearch less than a year though so 
>> there may be better approaches, but that's where I'd start.
>> -joel
>> On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 4:42:56 PM UTC-4, GWired wrote:
>>> I am attempting to boost values for queries.
>>> I'm searching across all fields and tables and returning 25 results for 
>>> each type.
>>> This is working fine however I need to Boost if the field name Name or 
>>> the Field Name ID have the value in it.
>>> I'm using ElasticSearchClient and sending this search.
>>> search = new
>>>             {
>>>                 query = new
>>>                 {
>>>                     query_string = new
>>>                     {
>>>                         query = keyword,
>>>                         default_field = "_all"
>>>                     }
>>>                 },
>>>                 from = 0,
>>>                 size = limitAllTypes,
>>>                 aggs = new
>>>                 {
>>>                     top_types = new
>>>                     {
>>>                         terms = new
>>>                         {
>>>                             field = "_type"
>>>                         },
>>>                         aggs = new
>>>                         {
>>>                             top_type_hits = new
>>>                             {
>>>                                 top_hits = new
>>>                                 {
>>>                                     size = limitPerType
>>>                                 }
>>>                             }
>>>                         }
>>>                     }
>>>                 }
>>> ElasticsearchResponse<DynamicDictionary> searchResponse = 
>>> client.Search("jdbc", search, null);
>>> How do i tell this to boost the name and id fields over all other fields.
>>> If I'm searching for "My Searched Company" and that is in the Name field 
>>> I want it at the top of the list.  vs in notes, addresses or whatever other 
>>> columns etc.

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