Hi All,

I was trying to use MLT API and confused with it's behavior when i
specify mlt_fields in URL query.

Here are my tests: (URL used is not the real URL)

1. curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/1/_mlt?min_doc_freq=1'
It returned array of result, as expected

2. curl -XGET 

It returns zero result.
i am sure it was wrong because there are many documents which have
same 'bd' fields.

3. curl -XGET 

In this step, i changed 'mlt_fields' to 'fields'.
It returns array of result, different than (1)

My questions :
- whats wrong with (2)? I am sure the URL query is right, because this
is the URL mentioned in docs.
- why (3) different thant(1)?


Iwan Budi Kusnanto

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