Tomorrow is the birthday of our country. King George had a note in his inbox that we colonials were charting a new course. I will be on hand to run both the early and the late nets but then rush off to nearby Hillsboro to watch the fireworks and breath their sulphurous fumes. I get a kick out of watching Pat watch fireworks. She enjoys them intensely :)

So in celebration of number 228 I will be on the following frequencies at the stated times.

Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

If you have any questions please read what has been posted on our web site  Thank you for the space Dan.

I have updated the site to read a bit more smoothly for those unused to net practices. Our sister nets in Europe and Southwest Asia have gleaned a few check ins. Remember ECN is not just for the QRP crowd. I have worked folks from 3 watts to 1500 watts. We also accept folks who use non-Elecraft gear.

Please join us if you can to celebrate the 4th of July by checking into the Elecraft CW Net. If it interferes with your watching fireworks or cooking brats don't worry, there will be other Sundays :)

   Kevin.   KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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